A garden is the best alternative therapy.

First wildflower blooms!

I could hardly contain my excitement yesterday when I came home to discover that the first wildflower had bloomed.  The winner is the cornflower:

The first of the wildflowers!

The next day, while working on the Native beds, Michelle wandered down the fence and yelled, “Joe!  Come look!”  Not only were more cornflowers opening, but the first poppy opened as well!  The poppy amazed us by how large it is, and how paper thin the petals are!   The wildflower bed has a lot of poppies, so I’m sure it will only be a few days until many more open up!

Another cornflower

and a pink one!

A cornflower opening ...

Here is another opening

A poppy standing tall, almost ready to bloom

the first poppy bloom

Inside the poppy

Here are a few more pictures of the wildflower bed as well:

The entire bed

Some of the tallest at the northeast corner of the yard

A spider crawling on a poppy

My daughter snapped this one - the spider is hiding at the top

Spider web among the wildflowers

Comments on: "First wildflower blooms!" (2)

  1. These are all just beautiful. Maybe you should remove all the grass and sow wildflowers instead? btw, your herb garden is fantastic. I need to start one of those. It would be wonderful to snip fresh instead of using the dried.

  2. roundrockgarden said:

    That’s not a bad idea! My neighbors would probably disagree, though! And you can bet that I’ll be snipping some off here and there to bring into the house!

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